Investing in the future: CREMER strengthens regional presence in Europe

Trade drives change – that has been CREMER's accompanying motto from its founding. When the family-owned company started trading oleochemical products in the late 1970s, there was no way to predict what an important role this sector would play one day. To meet an increasing demand, CREMER founded CREMER OLEO GmbH & Co. KG in 2005. 

Now CREMER has added another chapter to its success story in assuming control of three companies from Fritz Köster Handelsgesellschaft AG.

CREMER has integrated OleoServ GmbH, S & K Chemical Trading and Production GmbH and ProEN Protein und Energie GmbH into CREMER OLEO’s business division. All three companies have their head offices near Hamburg in Uetersen: OleoServ operates a modern tank farm there. ProEn produces special feed for livestock and pets in Uetersen. And S & K Chemical Trading and Production trades in raw oleochemical materials.

With the takeover, CREMER strengthens both its regional presence in Europe and its position as a reliable and efficient partner in a volatile market of animal feed, foodstuffs, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, energy and engineering. A real investment in the future.